This Website contains Web development links, Ideas, Techniques. I hope you find this very useful. If you have any suggestions please do not hesitate to contact me
Digg is a website that helped me in manny issues and it has some usefull links.
Other social-bookmarking sites that will help you stay sharp and current, and that should be mentioned here are: reddit,, StumbleUpon , and popurls.
The author is an expert in CSS development. A lot to draw from.
“Getting Real” is an online book, written by 37 Signals. Getting Real discusses creating web-based applications.
An old website with new web development content.
CSS Zen Garden This is a great CSS helping tool.
Mootools provides a framework with JavaScript classes.
ReadWriteWeb is a weblog and webtechnology website. Another website of interest in this category would be: Web 2.0 Workgroup - blogs that cover the Web 2.0.
Drupal is a webpage framework that I use and am very happy with. There are other Drupal like sites such as: Oscommerce, Zen Cart and Moodle Wordpress, Magento, and Joomla!.
Web Design from Scratch is guide to designing web sites.
The Web Standards Project This site is a great website to find more about standards
This is one of the most known online learning sites and I am sure that most of you are familiar with it.
The ITPro Collection at conatins online IT books. A subscription to this site would actually be more useful in the longrun.
This is a great php tool. Myself I use Zend Studio when developing in php and this website is a great help
A List Apart handles semantic code and web-standards. >
456 Berea Street In this site you will find XHTML, CSS and web development news.
Another good site that contains CSS resources.
This website is great for web development from the inception of the project to the final product
This website was and is a place to visit and learn about web development, covering topics such as web programming, E-business, and page design.
Alertbox is Jakob Nielsen’s bi-weekly column that discusses web usability.