The "Barons Old Iron" is the anagram of the author whose thoughts will be found here. Even though for now, the author's name shall remain anonymous, he is a well established individual with credentials that would recommend him anywhere and to anyone.
Allow me to give you a brief introduction about "Barons Old Iron". He is highly involved in the Romanian Christian community. I watched him often leave everything aside, only to devote his time, money and effort to the greatest cause of all.
I am firmly convinced that all the countless hours spent in the Lord's ministry won't go unrewarded.
His academic achievements are also not to be circumvented. Soon you will have the opportunity to enjoy "Barons Old Iron’s" thoughts on a variety of topics.
I approached him one day and told him about the project I had with this website, which wasn't really a project because I didn't really know what i was going to do with it. I was honoured that "Barons Old Iron" agreed to contribute to this site. I hope you will enjoy his comments and thoughts as much as I will.
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1. Making Decisions